Reflecting on Week 3

This has been an interesting week of self exploration. As I posted in a previous blog, I kind of came to terms with my lurking behavior in online forums. As my classmate pointed out in the discussion, I don't necessarily think it's an altogether bad trait. Even lurkers contribute to the overall experience. Knowledge and thoughts are shared, and sometimes not immediately reacted to by those simply absorbing. However, one can't really exist without the other. In some ways, I kind of attributed it to a concert in which an artist plays for a crowd. 

Having said that, I did make a resolution (of sorts) to perhaps "put myself out there" a bit more, as I truly feel as though sometimes I fail to do an adequate job of sharing my knowledge with my communities. In these professional communities, I have a great deal of experience which others could learn from - both the mistakes I made, as well as successes - and I feel an obligation of sorts to share more.

Finally, I had a good amount of time to reflect on my own personal learning networks, specifically Reddit. I lean on Reddit to supplement a good bit of my knowledge base regarding my personal hobbies. However, I realized this week I could also use for my professional goals and learning new tips/tricks. As such, I took the time to join a couple of professional subreddits, and have made more of an effort to connect with these new groups.

Over the next couple of weeks I'm looking forward to examining my relationships with these new groups as we prepare for our upcoming assignment.


  1. You made a pretty good point that lurkers cannot exist without content creators, and content creators won't exist if not for consumers and/or lurkers. I'm glad to hear you're trying to 'put yourself out there more'. Likewise, I'm also trying to be more of an active contributor to both Reddit and Twitter, so that I can continue to grow my knowledge and also share my perspectives with the community!

  2. Hi The Blogger Dude! I appreciate you talking about getting more involved with Reddit this past week in a professional space. It is really interesting to see reddit be used professionally as I, like you, usually only have used it to gain information or knowledge on hobbies. Your post made me think about ChatGPT too which might be taking some of the audience away from Reddit. The reason I say this is because say a person likes to cook and has used reddit groups to have dialogue surrounding cooking. They may use ChatGPT as the tool to provide them recipes instead given that ability now. Does that diminish a potential community on Reddit?

  3. Dude. We totally need lurkers in this world. Why would people write if no one reads?


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