Like a baby sea turtle, emerging from the sand...

Seeing the great big world of blogging laid out before me for the first time. Oh, hello there! It is me, the Blogger Dude. The blogger of all things Web 2.0. Well, not all things. The things I think I know, or want to know. So...some things. 

Why the anonymity, you might ask? Well, here's the deal... I don't exactly want to reveal my identity, as this blog is for school purposes. And this stuff follows you around forever. For instance, take my Twitter account. I just learned we have to share our Tweeter accounts with our classmates and I just did a quick glance at my previous posts/comments's a good bit of stuff on there that's not exactly appropriate for my school peeps, if you catch my drift. Not dangerous or highly offensive but rather, well...colorful. What can I say? I guess I'm a passionate tweeter on some issues (mostly football related).

But here I am. Blogging. Here to share this 12 week(ish) journey of my indoctrination of Web 2.0 with the world. We'll laugh, we'll cry...wait, that likely will just be me. But hey, I'll try and at least make this entertaining. Because after all, there's really no better medicine than laughter, right? I think my mom said that. Or maybe my dad. Or it could have been a show I watched recently. Hmm...I just realized the format of this blog entry might be a bit unorthodox. I'll do better next go 'round, Dr. Dennen. I promise.


  1. Hello there, Blogger Dude! I actually had the same reaction when I saw the request to share out socials. I definitely have some things on there that I wouldn't want my school peeps to see. Same with your answers, there is nothing offenses or anything of that nature, but I think my school community is definitely different than my online community, until we really get to know each other. Instead I opted to create a separate twitter account @doublem_eme6414 feel free to follow me :).

  2. Hi Blogger Dude! I love your train of thought. I had a conversation in EME5608 about Trends & Issues in Instructional Design about how we as instructional designers wish to track learners from their early ages, but we as learners don't actually want others to know that much about our past. I personally see myself growing up to have different personalities with different approaches and don't want to be associated with my past (and i was a mess back then as well xD). still - I always believe that writing about our journey is always a good idea for reflection and improvement! Hope to learn more about your journey in this course!


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