Networked Knowledge - A Case Study Example

There are many ways in which companies can promote networked knowledge - the sharing of curated information from which employees can learn - in the workplace. As simple example can be found on a piece of technology which has been in place for some time now - a company intranet site. 

Intranet sites are simply "internal" web sites used by companies to host files and web pages which are to be accessed strictly by those with granted permissions (i.e., employees and managers). An example of a basic intranet site would be a collection of downloadable training manuals and reference items for a call center. The agents would have access to these materials on the site, and would be able to upload materials here as well.

As a practical example of using an intranet to support networked knowledge activities, a company might decide to build a Knowledge Base (KB) - an online repository, similar to a library, which provides access to a catalog of case studies, articles, and other items which provide learning support for a variety of business oriented topics.

The KB could be segmented into various topics. Using a call center, for example, articles could be placed in various categories such as customer resolutions, billing concerns, technical support, and more. Articles within these categories would typically be generated by staff, and built up over time as issues arise and literature created to address concerns. 

One of the key aspects of a successful KB is the encouragement by senior level staff or managers and knowledge experts to contribute to the database by adding their own case studies, lesson's learned documents, explainer videos, or other items. This practice promotes a sense of connectiveness. For example, employees can discuss the articles with one another, and/or the author of the content. Edits could be suggested as to how to improve the article, or explain concepts in more detail. Again, the idea is to have the individuals with the acquired expertise provide the original context, and promote learning through its access and subsequent enhancements.


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