Reflecting on Week 4
Another interesting week of thought focused on how we gather and share information as a collective group. If you would told me 10 years ago that people would categorizing Twitter as a "learning platform" I wouldn't likely have believed you. Yet, here we are. At a recent conference attended there was an entire session on how to utilize TikTok in a corporate setting to promote learning in an organization. TikTok? Learning? Really?
But yes, this is where we are. Like it or not, we are now connected in a digital space and are learning from each other - sourcing ideas, and making decisions based on the content that we view online. And as we found out this week, how we sort through the supposed "experts" online is extremely tricky. How do we know, after all, that the content that we're viewing is accurate? How do we self police to ensure that we're not simply absorbing rhetoric or inaccurate information? It's a tough task. In the end, we must apply our own methods to ensure that the person/group that we're learning from is something that can be trusted.
Next week - at least for those of us choosing to do the full version of the assignment - will look back at the data and observations we have made of our groups. It's been an interesting experience keeping detailed notes of my interactions with these groups, and had opened my eyes to how I have interacted with other groups in the past. I'm looking forward to synthesizing these ideas in the paper.
When do we ever really know what is true. It's a interesting question, and the basis of Epistemology. Its a fun idea dive into that often leads into circles, just when you think you have it, It's pulled back out from under you again.