Reflecting on Week 10

It was an interesting week thinking more deeply about several topics. A couple of which were of particular interest to me - our role in promoting digital citizenship, and the assessment of learning in Web 2.0 environments. 

One of the nice things about the ISLT program here at FSU is that I feel the students have been evaluated on both process and end result when using Web 2.0 methods of collaboration. Early on in the program we were exposed to methods in which we used various web tools to source/share information, and the assignments always seemed to (at the very least) weight the process in which the group collaborated just as much as the end products we were working towards. 

As noted by myself, as well as my classmates in this week's discussion, process when using these tools is so important because that's where the true, deeper learning and connection to the content comes into play. While there likely must be some type of end product to evaluate (a report, or something produced by the group) weighing the project so that the collaborative experience factors heavily into the grading structure is likely a positive, and will ultimately promote true use and immersion with the tools.

In a previous blog I touched on some of the interesting aspects of digital citizenship and our role with this in adult learning. While adults should likely know how to behave online, having learned about its importance in K-12 environments, via their parents, and more, it's still something instructional designers and instructors should continue to promote and support. In a corporate setting it also makes good sense as your employee's behavior in social/online environments is a direct reflection of the company. Therefore, promoting digital citizenship of employees should be an ongoing part of their professional development. 


  1. Hi The Blogger Dude! Loved your reflection! I appreciated you talking about encorporating digital citizenship as professional development as well. I think avoiding discussing digital advancements leads to antequating the business. Encorporating it ensures that everyone is gaining the skills they need to be successful.


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