Web 2.0 and International Learning in Business

The discussion prompt in class was simple enough - While the internet, social media sites, and various learning tools are boundless in terms of geographic reach, instantly bringing us in contact with individuals thousands of miles away, one question remains..."Are we really international when using this technology?" Meaning, are we truly coming together as one group, eliminating the miles and cultural differences between us when we connect via this technology? Or, are we simply using a tool, and communicating, carrying with us our own cultural norms and expectations?

It's an interesting point to consider, and perhaps not one many take the time to think about when participating in exchanges with those from other countries. Take into consideration - When you have a conversation online with someone who speaks a completely different language than you, who might be using some type of translation tool to assist them in having the conversation, how might the translation too affect their understanding? Do instances of humor, or sarcasm translate? What about slang, or certain phrases of speech which are geographically accepted in one location, but not so much in others? How do these exchanges affect the shared experience of the individuals connected by the tool?  

For companies with offices and employees based in locations around the world, it's especially important to consider these differences. It's perhaps not enough to simply lean on the connectiveness of the tool alone. While many global companies likely do this already, ongoing focus should be centered on education of any cultural differences. Additionally, key stakeholders (senior management level and up) should take into account any limitations experienced by those in regions with less resources. Meaning, there shouldn't be any negative associations connected to issues arising from these types of challenges. On the contrary, they should be carefully considered in the overall learning plan, and accommodated for through careful planning, strategy, and execution.


  1. Hi The Blogger Dude! I loved your reflection here! Internationl social media is such an interesting topic to dive into as it certainly correlates with cultural awareness and understanding. Seeing social media thorugh a westernized- lens can certainly influence one's ability to participate and engage in approachable communication.


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